JAKARTA - Abdi Negara Nurdin or better known as Abdee Slank who was appointed as a Commissioner of PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk., became a lively news and attracted many readers. Former Head of the Economic and Creative Agency (Barekraf), Triawan Munaf spoke about this.

He dismissed the minor notion that had emerged that volunteers or people close to Jokowi filled the post of commissioner or other important positions in the government and State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) as a form of division of office rations (power).

"There is no distribution of commissions' allotments to volunteers, nor is there any distribution of rations to former opponents. Everything is based on considerations of competence, morals and the needs of various functions of commissioners and directors in each company," said the musician who is also the biological father of singer Sherina Munaf when contacted by VOI on Saturday, May 29.

Saat Triawan Munaf menyambangi Abdee Slank yangtengah terbaring di rumah sakit. (Instagram.com/triawanmunaf)
When Triawan Munaf visited Abdee Slank who was lying in the hospital. (Instagram.com/triawanmunaf)

Many people questioned the appointment of Abdee as one of the new commissioners of PT Telkom, which moved Triawan to speak up and write a testimony about his friend. And the testimonials spread across various short message groups and social media.

“Many people know Abdee Negara as a top guitarist. As a member of Slank, his actions in the music world are no longer sanctioned. In addition, Abdee is also known to enjoy collaborating with other musicians, whether as a guitarist, songwriter, sound engineer or producer," he explained.

However, according to Fariz Rustam Munaf's older brother, his work is not limited to just playing music. Not many people know that Abdee has been active in the business world and in organizations, both community and government organizations.

"Not only that, Abdee also, both with his Slank colleagues or with his fellow activists, is very active in various social activities, the environment, the anti-drug movement and the anti-corruption movement," he said.

Abdee Slank's enthusiasm, according to Triawan, to make changes is what brought him and his friends into the world of politics. He helped win Jokowi-JK in the 2014 election by forming the Mental Revolution Movement - Salam2Jari (read: Two-Finger Greeting) which led to the phenomenal Salam2Jari Concert.

Abdee I Know

According to Triawan, he has known Abdee since 2005. “At that time, together with Anang Hermansyah and Indra Lesmana, we established the first digital media-music distribution company in Indonesia. His name is Importmusic.com, which is still operating to help thousands of independent musicians in the country," he said.

In 2014, after helping the Jokowi-JK pair win, Triawan continued, Abdee formed and led a working team for the establishment of the Creative Economy Agency - Bekraf. "After I was elected as the head of the (Bekraf) agency, Abdee was appointed as Bekraf Advisor for 2015-2019," he said.

Abdee Slank. (Instagram.com/abdeenegara)
Abdee Slank. (Instagram.com/abdeenegara)

There is data on Abdee's gait that my friend and I are trying to collect. This is just some data from what we know. Many of Abdee's activities are rarely known, because as he often says, "I already have a Slank stage, for other things I'm just behind the scenes".

In addition, Triawan detailed a number of positions and tasks that had been held by Abdee. From the fields of music and entertainment, business, government organizations and also sports activities. He deliberately revealed Abdee's work and role to share information with those who doubted his best friend's ability.

“I purposely made this article that I am sharing, so that people who do not know and doubt the capacity of an Abdee Negara can understand why Abdee Slank was elected as the Independent Commissioner of PT. Telkom Indonesia Tbk, "said Triawan Munaf.

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