JAKARTA - The Dki Environment Office will test the sorting and transportation of scheduled waste in 147 pilot RW. The trial was conducted on June 1, 2021.

Plt. Head of The Environment Office of DKI Jakarta Province, Syaripudin called the waste management of each RW is the implementation of Pergub DKI Number 77 Year 2020 on Waste Management Scope of Rukun Warga.

Ahead of the trials, said Syaripudin, the LH Office first conducted an online waste management assistance system in 147 pilot RW.

"Before the trial, we have done assistance including technical guidance or socialization, drawing up an online work plan and finally there will be a trial of sorting and transporting waste scheduled on June 1, "said Syaripudin in his statement, Thursday, May 27.

In addition, the Environment Agency has also made a SOP regarding the scheduled transportation of waste to the officers of dipo or temporary landfills (TPS) that serve the 147 RW Pilot.

"With the assistance, it will open opportunities for the community and other parties to collaborate to support the acceleration of the implementation of waste management in the community," he said.

For information, rw scope waste management is implemented by the field of waste management. The team in this field is appointed by the rw chairman and is responsible to the rw chairman.

Rw scope waste management consists of waste reduction activities and waste handling. Reduction in the form of restrictions on waste, recycling, and reuse.

Meanwhile, waste handling in the form of waste sorting supervision, processing, and garbage residue collection.

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