JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) urged President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to reprimand and reverse the decision of the KPK leadership and the Head of the State Personnel Agency (BKN). The insistence was the result of the dismissal of 51 of the 75 employees who did not pass the national insight test (TWK).

" (Urging) President Joko Widodo to call, ask for clarification, and reprimand the Head of BKN and all KPK Leaders for the policies that have been issued regarding the dismissal of 51 KPK employees," voi quoted from ICW's website on the antikorupsi.org Wednesday, May 26.

" (Urging) President Joko Widodo to cancel the decision of the KPK Leadership and Head of BKN by appointing all KPK employees to be civil servants of the state," icw continued.

Not only that, ICW also asked the Board of Trustees (Dewas) to immediately investigate alleged violations of the code of conduct of all KPK Leaders related to the dismissal of employees in the National Insight Test.

The insistence is not without reason. Because, ICW considers the procurement of TWK has violated the law. In fact, it is thought the test was deliberately smuggled.

"TWK was systematically smuggled by the Kpk Leadership through The Corruption Eradication Commission Regulation No. 1 of 2021 (Perkom 1/2021). In fact, Law No. 19 of 2019 and Government Regulation No. 41 of 2020 do not mandate selection methods for the transfer of kpk staffing status," he explained.

Later, ICW also considered the decision to dismiss 51 KPK employees as an act against President Jokowi's orders. The reason, previously Jokowi had requested that the test results not necessarily be the reason to dismiss dozens of KPK employees.

"The statement of the Kpk Chairman and the Head of BKN should be considered as an attempt at defiance on the orders of President Joko Widodo. It is worth remembering, some time ago the President has asserted that TWK can not be used as a basis to dismiss a number of KPK employees," wrote in the statement.

In fact, based on Article 25 paragraph (1) of Law No. 5 of 2014 mentioned that the President as the holder of government power is the highest holder of power in policy, professional coaching, and asn management.

In addition, due to changes in the KPK Law, especially Article 3, the antirasuah institution is a state institution in the family of executive power. So, basically, there's no reason for the two agencies to issue an administration policy that contradicts the President's statement.

In fact, with the procurement of TWK that impressed this rush appeared various tigers negative allegations. One of them, the question of cooperation between the kpk leadership and certain parties to get rid of dozens of employees.

"It should be suspected that there are a number of groups that conspire with the KPK Leadership to dismiss KPK employees," he said.

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