JAKARTA - The palestinian-Israeli military conflict has recently been widely reported by various media outlets, both national and international. The number of victims who died, injuries to damage caused continues to be updated to this day.
Unfortunately, not all information received by the public can be proven to be true. There is also a thumbs up that spread hoaks information about this war.
One of them was uploaded by her Facebook account, Herlan Verry. The account uploaded an image showing Israel's Moshe tower in Tel Aviv destroyed by Hamas missiles.
In his narration, the uploader wrote: "Moshe Tower in Tel Aviv was hit by Hamas missiles. Moshe Tower is the second tallest building in IsraHell. Hamas' promise is fulfilled. Allahu Akbar."
Reported from turnbackhoaks.id, it turns out that the image of Moshe Tower burning is edited. Through a Google image search, the image of the tower uploaded by this Facebook account is an image that has been uploaded by the site phoenicia-ltd.
"When viewed more closely, there are many similarities between the two images that are unlikely to occur under different circumstances. In the image of the burning tower, there is a shadow of the building that is the same shape and size as the image of the tower that is not burned,"
"Whereas in the event of a large fire, the smoke from the fire will cover the light, and produce a darker shadow around the building. In addition, the location of the clouds is still exactly the same between the two," wrote turnbackhoaks, Tuesday, May 25.

To date, there has been no information that the tallest tower in Israel has been burned down by a missile explosion.
So it can be concluded that the information claiming the Hamas missile attack that resulted in Tel Aviv's Moshe Tower being burned is hoaks information category manipulated content or manipulated content.
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