JAKARTA - The position of Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) previously held by Doni Monardo will change. This change was made because Doni will enter retirement from his military service in early June.

"Yes, it is true, because Mr. Doni will retire in June 2021 so it must be replaced by an active TNI high officer," TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto told reporters on Tuesday, May 25.

Previously reported, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will appoint the Chief of General Staff (Kasum) TNI Lt. Gen. Ganip Warsito to be the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) replacing Doni Monardo.

The inauguration was held at Istana Negara, Jakarta, today, Tuesday, May 25, around 10:30 a.m. After the President appointed the Governor and Deputy Governor of Central Kalimantan at the State Palace, Jakarta.

Minister of State Secretary Pratikno said, President Jokowi wants the tradition of an active high officer for the position of Head of BNPB.

"The president wants to demonstrate that the leader of BNPB is an active high-ranking officer, among them so that any disaster can easily deploy troops, Mr. Ganip will be sworn in Tuesday morning," Pratikno said.

Known, Lt. Gen. Doni Monardo has been the Head of BNPB since January 9, 2019. Prior to BNPB, he had filled the position of Commander General of the Special Forces Command (Kopassus).

Doni was a 1985 military academy (akmil) with experience in infantry.

Meanwhile, Lt. Gen. Ganip Warsito is a former Commander of the Joint Command of the Defense Region (Pangkogabwilhan) III.

Ganip only served as TNI General for more than three months after being appointed Commander of TNI Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto on February 1, 2021.

A graduate of the Military Academy (Akmil) 1986, he is experienced in infantry. He also served as Pangkogabwilhan III, Pangdam XIII/Merdeka, Asops Panglima TNI, and Pangkogabwilhan III.

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