JAKARTA - Police have arrested a suspected perpetrator of a case of Burning the Quran that went viral on social media. The perpetrator was reportedly arrested in Tanjung Duren, West Jakarta.
"It is true (suspected perpetrators were arrested)," South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Azis Andriansyah told reporters on Monday, May 24.
But Azis did not elaborate on the arrest. He said the complete information about the arrest will be submitted by the Police Department of Metro Jaya.
"It will be delivered kabid public relations," he said.
News of the arrest of the perpetrator of the Burning of the Quran went viral on social media. In an Instagram account post @merekamjakarta showed the perpetrator.
Previously, a Facebook account with an Al-Quran burning upload was called hacked. The account's owner, a woman with the initials F, was questioned by police and claimed she never accessed the Facebook account again.
"The owner of the account sister F came to the Police, conducted an examination did admit the account once belonged to him but since 2020 in October it is no longer active. There is suspicion indeed against someone," Metro Jaya Police Public Relations Chief Kombes Yusri Yunus told reporters on Monday, May 24.
The account owner claimed to have never burned the Quran which later appeared on his Facebook account. The account owner suspects one of the perpetrators behind the post
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