SOLO - The Reserse and Criminal Unit of the Surakarta Resort Police has named HDR (42) as a suspect after being involved in the mistreatment of judicial operations officers.

Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Ade Safri Simanjutak said, HDR is a resident of Semanggi, Kliwon Market Solo. Officers have conducted a series of investigations into the title of the case to establish the suspect's HDR status.

"HDR after being designated as a suspect is now detained in Mapolresta Surakarta for the next 20 days for further examination," said the Police Chief in Solo reported from Antara, Monday, May 24.

Officers also seized a unit of HDR-owned motorcycles used during the raid. Victims of abuse are still being treated in hospitals and monitored stablely.

According to the officer's examination, HDR claimed to be a recidivist in one of the cases of assault in a café in Solo, some time ago.

For the actions of hdr suspects will be ensnared layered yaotu Article 351 criminal code, about crimes of persecution with weighting, and or article 335 of the Criminal Code on The Crime of Threats of Physical Violence against Officers, and or article 212 of the Criminal Code on Conducting Resistance against Police Officers who are carrying out legitimate duties.

Hdr suspects carried out a beating during the operation of Yustisi prokes discipline enforcement in Jalan Mojo Semanggi Pasar Kliwon Solo by a joint team from kodim 0735 Surakarta, Polresta, Satpol PP, Brimob, and Task Force COVID-19 Semanggi.

When passing by a motorcycle, HDR does not wear a helmet and mask. Officers then slowed down the pace of the suspect's vehicle. But HDR still forces the way. The new vehicle could be stopped after grazing one of the officers' hands and then secured.

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