JAKARTA - Circulating on social media is a photo of the Head of Ujung, Parepare City, Ulfah Lanto, which was reported by residents to the police because he was considered to have committed a criminal act of blasphemy.

Ulfa was reported because residents did not accept being disbanded during Friday prayers at the Ar Rahma mosque, Cappa Ujung, Ujung District, Parepare City, South Sulawesi, on April 17.

Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Ibrahim Tompo, confirmed that there were reports from residents of the Head of the Ujung Sub-district. However, the report is a complaint or has not been registered as a Police Report (LP).

"It is true that we received the report on Monday, April 26. But it is still a complaint," said Tompo to VOI, Thursday, April 30.

Even though it is only a complaint, the investigator continues to handle the case by studying and deepening the case. The goal is to ensure that there is a criminal offense.

To further delve into this case, investigators have asked for information from several witnesses from the reporting party. The goal is to find out the real incident. Although, at the time of the incident the reported party said that the dissolution was aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19.

"So far we have examined 5 witnesses from the reported party," said Tompo.

In fact, in the near future investigators have scheduled an examination of the Head of the Ujung Sub-district. However, due to busy work, the examination was forced to be postponed temporarily.

"We have been invited for direct clarification. However, because of his busy life, it is still pending," said Tompo.

In a number of media, Ulfah Lanto clarified the accusations directed at him. Launching from detik.com, Ulfah said it was not him who asked the congregation to disperse. Instead, two local community leaders.

In his narrative, this incident began when he, along with a number of the Ujung District COVID-19 Task Force, such as the military police, village head, police chief, Danramil, and KUA, monitored a number of mosques in the area.

Upon arriving at the Ar Rahma Mosque which was the last location, Ulfa asked the KUA to give an appeal to the public not to pray at the mosque with loudspeakers. However, the appeal was not conveyed to the public and only uttered the call to prayer.

"However, only the call to prayer is carried out which indicates that the time for Zuhr prayer has entered and it is hoped that all people will return to their respective homes to carry out Zuhr prayers," said Ulfah.

So, local residents also came one by one to perform their usual worship. Seeing the growing crowd, Ulfah and the team reacted by closing the doors of the mosque. The goal is that the crowd inside does not get denser.

Moreover, the background of the people who come is unknown. So, it is feared that the potential for the spread of COVID-19 will occur. However, when Ulfah and the team were on guard in front of the mosque, suddenly two local community leaders came.

Both asked about what happened. Until finally, they offered to urge the public not to pray in the mosque for a while.

It's just that, the method used by both of them is not good. They entered the mosque and immediately shouted at the congregation to disperse.

"Only when he entered, he immediately raised his hand and said 'disperse'. One of the community leaders, but the goal is still an appeal, he aims to help the government," concluded Ulfah.

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