JAKARTA - The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) opened higher on Thursday 30 April trading. JCI opened higher by 0.78 percent or 35.61 points to the level of 4,602.93.

Opening trades, 59 stocks rose, 13 stocks fell, and 13 stocks were stagnant. Trading volume, recorded 5.78 million shares and was transacted at Rp9.46 billion.

Reliance Sekuritas Indonesia analyst Lanjar Nafi also predicts that the JCI will strengthen today. According to him, the support and resistance area for the stock index will be in the range 4,539 to 4,880.

"JCI has limited potential to strengthen with quite large fluctuations in movement," said Lanjar.

He also recommended a number of stocks that could be examined technically, namely PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (AALI), PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk (ADHI), PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk (ANTM), PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (BBTN), PT Erajaya Swasembada Tbk (ERAA), PT Gudang Garam (GGRM), PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk (HMSP), and PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk (JMSR).

This morning, stocks that were among the top gainers, including PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA) which rose 5.26 percent to Rp200, PT Wismilak Inti Makmur Tbk (WIIM) which rose 4.58 percent to Rp137, and PT Wijaya. Karya (Persero) Tbk which strengthened 3.43 percent to IDR905.

Meanwhile, stocks that are among the top losers include PT MD Pictures Tbk (FILM) which fell 6.61 percent to Rp113, PT Steadfast Marine Tbk (KPAL) which fell 6.58 percent to Rp71, and PT Bank Harda. International Tbk (BBHI) which weakened 6.56 percent to Rp57.

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