BANDARLAMPUNG - Investigators of the South Lampung Police Criminal Investigation Unit re-establish two new suspects in the aftermath of the destruction of Candipuro Police Station, South Lampung.

"Currently the number of suspects in the case of destruction of mapolsek is 12 people," said Head of Public Relations of Lampung Police Kombes Zahwani Pandra Arsyad in Bandarlampung, quoted by Antara, Sunday, May 23.

Pandra conveyed the development of investigations and investigations related to the destruction of Mapolsek Candipuro with two new suspects, namely RH and RS.

According to him, from the results of additional examinations and the title of the case on Friday, May 21, investigators of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of South Lampung Police raised the status of the investigation to the investigation stage and set two more people as suspects.

Rh and MS suspects who were originally from the investigation did not have sufficient evidence. After additional examination of the witnesses and the title of the case again, the two men were fulfilled the criminal element.

"Based on two sufficient evidence tools, the status was raised to the level of investigation, then determined as a suspect with the suspicion of Article 170 of the Criminal Code and carried out detention in the South Lampung Police Rutan," he said.

Earlier, police identified 10 suspects linked to the burning of Mapolsek Candipuro.

The burning of Candipuro Police Station, South Lampung by residents occurred on Tuesday, May 18, around 11 p.m.

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