JAKARTA - DPD PDI Perjuangan Central Java gave confirmation not to invite Ganjar Pranowo during the cadre briefing to strengthen the solidity of the party towards the 2024 Election by the Chairman of the DPP PDIP Puan Maharani.

"Not invited! (Ganjar Pranowo, red) 'wis kemajon' (delay), 'yen kowe pinter, ojo keminter' (if you are smart, do not be smart-red)," said Chairman of the DPP PDI Struggle for Election Winner and Chairman of DPD PDIP Jateng Bambang Wuryanto quoted Antara, Sunday, May 23.

In a written statement, DPD PDIP Jateng blatantly mentions Ganjar Pranowo who is also the Governor of Central Java, too ambitious to run in the 2024 presidential election so as to abandon the party norm.

According to Bambang, DPD PDIP Jateng has actually given a signal if Ganjar's attitude that is too ambitious with the office of president is not good.

On the one hand, there has been no instruction from Chairman Umun Megawati Soekarnoputri, while on the other hand it is not good for the harmony of the party that must be perpendicular to the orders of the chairman.

"This is attributed to the high intensity of Ganjar on social media and mass media, even Ganjar until willing to be a 'host' on his youtube, when the same thing is not done by other PDIP cadres who also have the potential to 'nyapres'" he said.

According to him, other PDIP cadres were not able to do the same, but did not dare because they had not received the orders of the chairman.

"'Wis not code sik. Why soyo mblandang, yes no rodo atos'. I was bullied on social media, yes bully only, I don't have to take care of my image,'' she said.

This man who is familiarly called Bambang Pacul once again reminded that electability at this time can not be used as a benchmark in the real election battle.

Electability is currently only boosted from the news and social media. It's easy to beat in real combat.

"This was conveyed not as a reprimand for Ganjar who is also a cadre of PDIP. This is not a reprimand, because he feels higher than us (DPD PDIP Jateng). He felt that he could reprimand only Mrs. (Chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri)," he said.

When asked if Ganjar Pranowo had stated publicly that he would run for president, Bambang said, "If he answers, I will not say 'nyapres'. Yes if he talks at the branch level of the party, yes please, but if with political people, yes must have understood where to go," he said.

Previously, Chairman of the DPP PDI Perjuangan Puan Maharani briefed all cadres in Central Java to strengthen the solidity of the party towards the 2024 elections, without inviting Ganjar Pranowo.

Based on the monitoring at the briefing location, namely in the office of DPD PDIP Jateng Jalan Brigjen Sudiarto Semarang, Ganjar was not seen.

In addition, in the arrangement of the event circulating among the written media if the invitation of the briefing activities by Puan Maharani addressed to the regional head and deputy cadres in Central Java except the governor. Specifically the words "except the governor" are bracketed.

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