JAKARTA - The Police of the Republic of Indonesia issued a telegram with the number STR/164/III/YAN/1.2./2021 dated March 15, 2021 related to special plates of members of the House of Representatives aimed at all ranks at the regional level.

Head of subdivision STNK Ditregident Korlantas Polri Kombes Pol M Taslim Chairuddin said the telegram letter was issued to socialize the use of license plate numbers dpr ri.

"The telegram letter is to socialize to the ranks, the Police Chief and others if there are rules in the House of Representatives related to license plate numbers," Taslim reported by Antara, Saturday, May 22.

Telegram Letter Number: STR/164/III/YAN.1.2.? 2021 was signed by the Head of the Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas) Of The National Police Irjen Pol Istiono on behalf of the Police Chief.

The telegram was addressed to the ranks of police chiefs throughout Indonesia and penetrated to the Chief Officer (PJU) of the National Police Headquarters, including Irwasum Polri, Asrena Kapolri, Kadiv Propam Polri, and Kadiv Humas Polri.

In the copy of the telegram received, the National Police in the Regulation of the Secretary General of the House of Representatives No. 4 of 2021 concerning the Issuance and Use of Vehicle Number Signs (STNK) and Motor Vehicle Number Signs (TNKB) Specifically for Leaders and Members of the House of Representatives to Provide Special Identity and Security Ranmor Leaders and Members of the House of Representatives for smooth Implementation of Constitutional Enterprising.

TNKB for members of the House of Representatives is issued for motor vehicle members of the House of Representatives who have been registered by the National Police as evidenced by a valid and valid registration and have paid motor vehicle tax (PKB) as evidenced by the proof of payment of tax obligations (TBPKP) that is valid and still valid.

Numbering, the issuance of tnkb specifically members of the House of Representatives is carried out by officials of the work unit setjen DPR RI.

The contents of the telegram also explain the provisions for the use of TNKB for members of the House of Representatives, namely used in motor vehicles members of the House of Representatives, leaders of the House of Representatives, faction leaders, and or leaders of other council fittings.

Furthermore, motor vehicle drivers with tnkb specifically members of the House of Representatives must have a valid and valid driver's license issued by the National Police and a warrant issued by the Setjen DPR RI.

The operation of motor vehicles with TNKB specifically for members of the House of Representatives must be equipped with a valid and valid registration issued by the National Police.

The contents of the telegram also detail the characteristics of the special license plate number. For example, a license plate or TNKB specifically for members of the House of Representatives has the logo of the House of Representatives.

Furthermore, the plate is rectangular with a black base color on the number column, silver on the logo column, silver on the margin and on the number.

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