JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office called the statement of corruption eradication commission (KPK) investigator Novel Baswedan about social assistance corruption or bansos worth Rp100 trillion tends to be speculative and invites controversy.

"If there are allegations of corruption, please follow up in accordance with the procedures and regulations. In law enforcement efforts, such statements are not at all productive," said Chairman of the Monitoring and Evaluation Team of National Economic Recovery (Monev PEN) Of The Presidential Staff Office Edy Priyono in a press release, in Jakarta, reported antara, Friday, May 21.

Edy explained, until now it is not clear, the origin of the figure of Rp100 trillion referred to the novel, whether it is alleged corruption or the value of his bansos project. According to Edy, if what is meant is the value of alleged corruption, then it is difficult to accept common sense, as well as if it is the value of a project or program bansos.

He said that from the total budget of PEN 2020 which amounted to Rp695.2 trillion, the allocation for social protection clusters was Rp234.3 trillion. The bansos that are part of the Social Protection cluster are not worth Rp100 trillion. "So what project is that?" asked Edy.

The KSP's Chief Expert of The Third Representative also considered Novel as part of the corruption eradication institution should avoid statements that tend to be speculative and invite such controversy.

Moreover, according to him, there are still allegations of corruption that are currently being handled by law enforcement, including illegal levies (pungli) bansos.

"That's what we love so much. But the President has repeatedly warned against corruption. We leave the case entirely to law enforcement," Edy said.

Edy ensured that the Government was committed to closing any loopholes that could possibly be used for corruption. One of the most tangible forms is the President's directive that in 2021 the provision of bansos in the form of goods is minimized.

Currently the government is encouraging more and more non-cash assistance, transfer via account, or directly to recipients through the post office.

That, according to him, can be seen in the PEN 2021 scheme. Of the total budget of the Social Protection cluster of Rp150.28 trillion, he said, only Rp2.45 trillion was allocated in the form of goods, namely rice assistance.

"Others are distributed through non-cash, transfer or through the post office directly to the beneficiaries," saidEdy.

In addition, he said, the government also conducts strict monitoring to minimize potential corruption.

The Office of the President's Own Staff has formed a Monev PEN Team that works since 2020. Based on the monitoring results, the bansos distribution program has been running smoothly, but still needs a number of improvements.

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