JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan hopes that the trend of cases of the corona virus or COVID-19 will decline soon. He said, currently, the graph of the addition of COVID-19 cases in DKI has peaked. This means that there is a possibility that there will be a decrease in the number of corona cases in Jakarta.

That way, Anies hopes that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will immediately stop the status of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB).

"When patients are under surveillance (PDP) continues to decline, then the mortality rate (per day) also drops, we will return to normal. We hope this (PSBB stop) will happen soon," Anies said in a joint meeting with business associations uploaded. on the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Youtube, Tuesday, April 28.

The status of the PSBB in Jakarta has been running for 3 weeks. As long as this status is in effect, it has shown a sharp decrease in traffic congestion. Currently, the use of public transportation only leaves 12 percent of normal conditions. Then, the use of private vehicles on the road has also decreased by 46 percent.

"We continue to push (decline) and this is starting to show its impact," said Anies.

Head of the DKI Health Service, Widyastuti, added that the DKI Provincial Government will evaluate the status of the PSBB, not only based on the trend of increasing the number of corona virus cases per day, but other epidemiological factors.

"We will carry out a thorough evaluation. It cannot only be based on (positive) cases and we will also look at other factors," he said.

The statement of the delay in cases in DKI originated from the Head of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, Doni Monardo. He stated, the trend of COVID-19 cases in DKI is slowing down gradually, both from the addition of positive cases, patients under surveillance (PDP), and people under monitoring (ODP).

"In Jakarta, cases are slowing down rapidly and experiencing flatness. We pray that not many positive cases occur. This is because the PSBB has been going well," said Doni, Monday, April 27.

Seeing the corona.jakarta.go.id site owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, there has been a slowdown in cases in the last few days. Initially, the highest increase in positive cases per day occurred on April 16, 2020, with 223 cases.

Then, on April 17, the number of positive cases was 153. The number of positive cases per day still shows the dynamics of up and down until April 21, namely as many as 161 cases.

On April 22, the number of cases per day started to decline again to 120 cases. In the following days, the addition of cases has slowed further, with 107 cases on April 23, 99 cases on April 24, 65 cases on April 26, 86 cases on April 27, and 118 cases on April 28.

As of today, the total cases in Jakarta have reached 3950 people. Of the total cases, 341 people have been declared cured and 379 people have died, 2,024 people are undergoing treatment in hospitals, and 1,205 people are undergoing independent isolation.

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