JAKARTA - The police have arrested 8 people who are suspected of being the provocateurs for the burning of the Candipuro Police, South Lampung. In fact, one of them is a minor.

"Investigators from the South Lampung Police and the Lampung Regional Police have arrested 8 people who are suspected of being involved, starting from the initiator of the action, the provocation of the arson, to those who followed suit", said Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Wednesday, May 19.

One child who is under age is said to be 16 years old. But it has not yet been explained about the child's role as a provocateur or participating in the arson.

Then, Ramadhan also said that currently, the joint team from the South Lampung Police and the Lampung Regional Police was still investigating the triggers for the arson. Even so, the action was widely circulated due to dissatisfaction with the services of the Candipuro Police.

"We are still investigating, it is the accumulation of the incidents. So this is still being investigated. It is only information about fraud and other things", he said.

"So we don't know what the initiation was, what provocation, what reason, this is still being explored", continued Ramadan.

For information, the Candipuro Police were burned by a mob on Tuesday, May 18, evening. Based on the information, the masses threw them into the area of the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) at the Regional Police. So that it started a fire.

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