JAKARTA - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) sent an open letter to U.S. President Joe Biden through the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta. The PKS called on the US to help stop Israel's brutal military action in Palestine.

The open letter was written on behalf of PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu and delivered to the U.S. Embassy by the Chairman of the Foreign Guidance and Development Agency (BPPLN) of the PKS Central Executive Council (DPP) Sukamta along with the Secretary of the House of Representatives of PKS Faction, Ledia Hanifa.

"In this letter, the President of the PKS reminds the president of the United States not to be silent and (he) asks the U.S. to stick to universal values as well as values that the United States itself believes in," Sukamta said as quoted by Antara, Monday, May 17.

Sukamta, a member of Commission I of the House of Representatives, lamented the U.S. stance that tends to let the Israeli military launch attacks on the Palestinians. The attack, which has been going on for about a week, killed hundreds of people and left thousands of civilians injured.

"We know that the U.S. president's stance is very unilateral, also followed by the U.S. representative at the U.N. Security Council who will veto any sanctions directed at Israel. Of course, this is contrary to the U.S. spirit that upholds Human Rights," Sukamta asserted.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the PKS Faction of the House of Representatives Ledia Hanifa Amaliah said it will pursue a path of diplomacy in parliament in order to strengthen Indonesia's support for the Palestinians.

"We have a Palestinian caucus working group with the Palestinian parliament which one of the chairmen is a member of the PKS Faction Syahrul Aldi Mazaat. We encourage (the government) to be more proactive on the Palestinian case," Ledia explained.

Related to that, below is the open letter written by Syaikhu to Joe Biden:

To Mr. President Joe Biden,

Four months you have been officially a president of the United States. Still remember how you in the campaign conveyed to the Muslim community in the United States that the American Muslim voice is important to our community, to our country. And right now, we Muslims are being hurt by the brutal actions of the Israeli army. While we were doing worship in the holy month of Ramadan, while we were celebrating Eid al-Fitr.

And even more hurtful, it was your administration's stance that vetoed the support of the 14-member U.N. Security Council for a joint declaration to reduce Palestinian-Israeli tensions. We expect the real U.N. Security Council stance as a present in our Feast Day, but your country has vetoed it as if it doesn't care about the humanitarian fate of the Palestinians.

Moreover, you know that among the victims of Israel's brutal attacks are Gazans who to this day are still blockaded. The blockade itself is a very inhumane act, as it blocks international humanitarian aid for victims of violence.

And you're still silent, even allowing brutal Israeli attacks directed at civilians in Gaza. Not only destroyed houses but also destroyed offices including media offices that should have been protected from attack as a form of press freedom.

Mr. President Joe Biden,

Israel may say that their attacks are in retaliation for the response of the resistance movement in Palestine. But you need to remember, that the reaction of the resistance movement in Palestine because they watched their brothers in the village of Sheikh Jarrah expelled, also Muslims who were worshipping at the Al Aqsha Mosque, was attacked by the Israeli army.

You also need to remember, that the old city of Al Quds (Jerusalem) in which there is al Aqsha Mosque is a world cultural heritage under UNESCO supervision. Then it is a must that your country as one of the countries having veto rights can encourage the United Nations to be able to save the world cultural heritage of the old city of Al Quds (Jerusalem).

Mr. President Joe Biden,

We believe you still have a conscience. Your great country certainly wants to be honored with its humanitarian defenses. Moreover, your government has determined to make the principles of multilateralism, justice, and human rights the cornerstone of American foreign politics. So, this is the right time to prove it.

Prove that justice and human rights in Palestine are not buried by the brutal actions of the Israeli army. We sincerely look forward to your government, to take a firm stance on stopping the brutality of Israeli soldiers who sacrifice women and children in Palestine. They are Muslim brothers and sisters to Muslims in America, Muslims who you have asked for support to vote for you in the last election.

Restore the self-esteem of the United States as a country that upholds human rights. Or the world will be increasingly antipathy to your country.


PKS President

Ahmad Syaikhu

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