JAKARTA - The Government of West Aceh Regency will cut the work performance allowance (TPK) or special allowance (TC) of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the area by 50 percent, if it skips work on the first day after the Eid al-Fitr holiday of 1442 Hijri." The sanction is a 50 percent cut in benefits, this is in accordance with applicable regulations," said Regional Secretary of West Aceh Marhaban District (Sekdakab) reported by Antara, Monday, May 17.According to him, the sanctions are intended so that all ASN in West Aceh are expected to be disciplined when entering work, in order to provide services to the community.

In addition, said Marhaban, sanctions are also intended so that the ASN is expected to really have a high spirit of work, in order to provide service to the community, nation and country. In order to ensure the presence of ASN on the first day of work on Monday (17/5), he said, the West Aceh District Government will hold a joint apple of all ASN in West Aceh centered at the local regent's office. This is done so that the discipline attitude of ASN in the area is increasing." The combined apples implemented are also in accordance with health protocols in accordance with government recommendations," marhaban said.

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