JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya together with the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta and Kodam Jaya gave a sign to the homes of residents returning to Jakarta in anticipation of the spread of COVID-19 after the Eid al-Fitr holiday in 2021." This we do three pillars of each Sub-District, Polsek and Koramil even up to RT / RW, and Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas," said Head of Public Relations Of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus reported antara, Monday, May 17.Yusri said district officers, police, Koramil will give a sign in front of the homes of residents who have just arrived in Jakarta after returning from outside the city. Yusri said, the residents will undergo antigen tests or PCR swab tests at the local Puskesmas or Kampung Tangguh.
So far, Yusri stated that there are 16 people who have arrived in Jakarta to pass the antigen test sealing post, but after testing the results showed negative. Yusri revealed the results of antigen tests on 200 people at the Kedung Waringin Sealing Post, Bekasi, West Java on Sunday there were four people who were positive for COVID-19." We take it to Wisma Atlet for PCR if it is still positive then we refer to the hospital or self-isolation in Wisma Atlet," said Yusri.Yusri informs for backflow residents in Jakarta do not have a free letter of COVID-19 and antigen test results so that rejected by the surrounding residents, then can go to the nearest police station that opens a free antigen service post." Because there are some villages refuse residents to return without carrying a swab letter," said Yusri.Yusri said the post of the swab test service is part of the humanitarian operation conducted by the Police of Metro Jaya together with the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta and Kodam Jaya.
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