JAKARTA - The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, war, and climate change can trigger considerable economic losses. All three could even spark fears the world will experience an acute food crisis in the past five years.

"We must act together to prevent the worsening of the situation," FAO director general Qu Dongyu said in a video conference quoted by CNA on Monday, May 10.

Qu Dongyu added that the situation is now more rushed because there has been a food crisis everywhere. To that end, Dongyu invites all citizens of the world to call for caring for others.

"We must address the root causes and make the food farming system more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable," he added in a tweet on Twitter.

Last year, the Global Network Against Food Crisis, which brings together three international organizations, identified 28 million people in 28 countries suffering from acute hunger. Some of the countries worst affected by famine are Congo, Yemen, Afghanistan.

While Africa is the continent worst hit by food shortages with 98 million people affected, or 63 percent of global hunger cases.

"For the 100 million people facing an acute food crisis by 2020, the main causes are related to conflict and insecurity," said FAO Emergency Director Dominique Burgeon.

In that context, the economic crisis became the main cause of famine for 40 million people. Burgeon also added that the COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating food vulnerability.

Moreover, the presence of climate change problems is complementary to the reasons for the emergence of food crises such as those in Sudan, Zimbabwe, and Haiti. With regional restrictions due to COVID-19 still in force in most parts of the world, Burgeon said the coming year will be very difficult.

Mainly, the three things above -- pandemics, wars, climate change -- will worsen food security in an already fragile country.

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