JAKARTA - This year the celebration of The Ascension Day of Jesus Christ coincides with Eid al-Fitr 1442 Hijri. Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas asked Christians to continue to carry out health protocols while celebrating the Ascension Day of Jesus Christ.

This request was made by Minister Of Religion, Yaqut, through his Instagram account, @gusyaqut. Uploading a photo of himself to Vatican City at Monumento Al Papa Juan Pablo in September 2019, Yaqut reminded Christians without exception the obligation to maintain health in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Tomorrow (today, red) is a special day for my Christian friend, the Ascension of Jesus Christ to Heaven. Happy worship and celebration, take care of health with the discipline of health protocol 5M", Yaqut said as quoted through his Instagram, Thursday, May 13.

Previously, Minister Yaqut has delivered a message to maintain health protocols to Muslims in Indonesia. He urged that the implementation of Eid prayer and Eid al-Fitr celebrations do not make the public neglect the health protocol.

"Because it is still a pandemic, let's worship and spread by still applying health protocols and discipline 5M, namely wearing masks, keeping distance, washing hands, avoiding crowds, and reducing mobility", Yaqut was quoted as saying from his written statement.

He urged Muslims to make the momentum of Eid al-Fitr 1442 Hijri can further strengthen the values of humanity during the COVID-19 pandemic. He reminded, that teaching religion to save the lives of others is a top priority.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has sharpened our understanding that one of the core teachings of religion is to safeguard human values. Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr during the pandemic are strengthening the value of humanity", he said.

Yaqut hopes that the forging of Ramadan in the midst of the pandemic will give more meaning as well as provision for Muslims to continue to increase piety to Allah.

The values of laughter, he continued, are not only in the form of worship between man and God. But also in social relationships.

"Laughter is not only reflected in personal righteousness, but also social piety in the form of caring for others. Piety has a balance between vertical spirituality and social piety", he concluded.

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