BEKASI - Ahead of one day of celebration or H-1 Eid al-Fitr 1442 H, Chairman of the Task Force (Task Force) handling COVID-19 Doni Monardo reviewed the operation of sealing homecoming vehicles. The review was conducted at the eid al-Fitr homecoming ban block post at Cikarang Barat Toll Gate 3, Bekasi, West Java.

The review of homecoming sealing was also attended by The Speaker of the House of Representatives Puan Maharani, Chief of Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, Commander of TNI Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi and Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin.

The sealing activity was conducted based on the Addendum of The Head of Task Force Circular Letter No. 13 of 2021 which regulates the tightening of the requirements of Domestic Travel Actors (PPDN) during the H-14 homecoming on April 22-May 5 and H+7 homecoming on May 18-May 24.

In his statement, the Police Chief said that the sealing has been able to reduce the flow of traffic from normal conditions by up to 70 percent.

"This sealing can reduce the flow of homecoming from normal conditions to 70 percent," explained The Police Chief listyo quoted from a written statement, Wednesday, May 12.

Homecoming Seal (PHOTO VIA BNPB)

The police chief also said that without the rules set out in the SE above, the potential for insecurity to be exposed to COVID-19 from human mobility through homecoming activities can increase up to 30-fold.

Therefore, he did not want the homecoming activities so the number of active cases of COVID-19 actually increased.

"All of this we do to protect the public from the risk of transmission of COVID-19. If exposed, the risk can be 30-fold. So do not let because there is this homecoming and then there is an increase in cases," explained the Police Chief.

The police chief also reminded the local government that the Micro-scale Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) program should be improved. It needs to be done in anticipation of the possibility of residents who escaped the sealing and came from outside the city then accidentally became a carrier.

"I remind the local government that micro PPKM please to be really improved because there may be some who escaped and entered the area," explained Listyo.

The Police Chief also hopes that through these efforts, the number of COVID-19 cases in the country can be reduced to below 10 thousand so that activities oriented to the improvement and recovery of national-scale economies can be carried out.

"We expect the number we can press below 10 thousand. So that if we can carry out this well then other programs related to economic recovery activities can also run again," said Listyo.

Photo via BNPB

Meanwhile, Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi appreciated the performance across ministries /institutions along with elements of the TNI and The National Police who have exerted all their resources and efforts in order to prevent COVID-19 through the sealing and prohibition of homecoming in 2021.

"With the synergy between K / L is certainly giving color in doing this job. This work is amazing because homecoming becomes a common desire," said Minister budi Karya.

In addition, the Minister of Transportation also thanked the public who have been willing and willing to be re-directed or reversed solely to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

"Thank you people for this understanding is acceptable which is as directed by President Joko Widodo," said the Minister of Transportation.

Photo via BNPB

The review of the 2021 homecoming is the third time conducted by the Chairman of the Task Force on Handling COVID-19 Doni Monardo to monitor the implementation of se issued in order to prevent the increase in COVID-19 cases through human travel and on Eid al-Fitr activities.

Previously, Doni Monardo who also served as the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has conducted a review of the sealing of the main sections of the homecoming route, as stipulated in Addendum SE Number 13 of 2021 at Palimanan Toll Gate, Cirebon, West Java on Thursday, April 29.

In his direction, Doni requested that all elements involved in the sealing such as elements of the TNI, Police, Transportation Office, Health Office, Satpol PP, BPBD, Jasa Marga and others can carry out strict security for 24 hours.

"Please note that this sealing post continues to be maintained for 24 hours," said Doni.

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