JAKARTA - Residents in Yogyakarta who want to receive guests during the Eid holidays are asked to report to PPKM Mikro Post in their respective regions as one of the monitoring efforts to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

"The host is asked to report to PPKM Mikro Post if they will receive guests so that there is no misunderstanding in the community", said The Daily Chairman of the Task Force on Handling COVID-19 Yogyakarta, Heroe Poerwadi, in Yogyakarta, reported Antara, Tuesday, May 11.

In addition, guests who will visit the house or family living in Yogyakarta must also inform their arrival.

"So that the host can also report to PPKM Mikro post", he said.

According to him, a visit during Eid in the local homecoming area of DI Yogyakarta is still possible as long as it is done by implementing strict health protocols.

"For example, reducing the potential for physical contact. Do not shake hands or other physical contacts as an effort to prevent transmission", he said.

It would be better, he said, if the visiting guests have already done the COVID-19 check, either through a PCR test, a quick antigen test, or using GeNose.

"The goal is for all people who visit to feel safe, comfortable, and anticipate the potential transmission of COVID-19 during the Eid al-Fitr holiday", he said, who also mentioned that the rule will be applied during the homecoming ban until May 17.

In fact, Heroe continued, some villages have made a deal not to accept travelers, one of them is Bumijo village.

"If possible and can be postponed, then the exhortation should not visit each other first. Because at the moment, we are both trying to reduce the number of transmissions so that cases do not go back up", he said.

Previously, the DIY Government has issued SE Governor of DI Yogyakarta Number 27 of 2021, one of which regulates visit family activities is still possible as long as it is carried out with strict health protocols 5M.

When conducting visits residents are asked to conduct COVID-19 checks in advance, while guests are not allowed to stay, as well as optimization of the functions of PPKM Mikro Post in the region for supervision of visit activities.

Based on PPKM Mikro rules for the status of the risk zone of transmission, in Yogyakarta on Monday, May 10, there are 2,411 RT (Neighborhood Association) in the green zone, and 124 RT is in the yellow zone. There are no RT in the orange and red zones.

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