JAKARTA - A photo showing a pack of cat rice using a photocopy of a Family Card (KK) went viral on social media Twitter.

Against this upload, Director General of Dukcapil Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Zudan Arif Fakrulloh asked the public and various agencies to maintain the confidentiality of personal data.

In addition to not uploading personal data on social media, agencies that use copies of electronic ID cards and Family Cards must destroy it if it is no longer needed. This is to prevent personal data from being misused by certain irresponsible parties.

"To institutions or agencies that use photocopy of residence documents, such as KTP-el or Family Card as a service requirement, to be immediately destroyed with a document shredder if not used anymore. Don't just throw it away," Zudan said in his written statement quoted Tuesday, May 11.

Furthermore, he reminded the District/City Dukcapil Office to implement The Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) Number 104 of 2019 concerning Document Document Documentation of Population.

Any documents from the service application file must be saved and archived. However, if it has entered the retention period of the document must be destroyed.

"For manual files, I ask that they be converted into digital form before they are destroyed. To destroy it form a team and make news of the event," he said.

In addition, Zudan asked Dukcapil data user institutions not to have to copy residence documents, such as KTP-el and KK as a condition of service.

"Use a card reader, or for agencies that have not cooperated immediately apply for the utilization of population data to the nearest Dukcapil Office," he said.

Similarly, for the service of application for residence documents. He asked the ranks of the District /City Dukcapil Office no longer ask for photocopy files to the applicant because the administrative services of the population are done through online.

While related to the origin of the photocopy of electronic ID card and Family Card that became a pack of cat rice, the Ministry of Trade claimed to have lowered the team to conduct a search.

"For example, there are business entities that require fotocopi KK or KTP for prospective customers, whether it is leasing, banks, multilevel marketing companies, or other institutions. I again urge that the photocopy file be destroyed. Dukcapil also do the same thing, if there is a damaged KTP-el to be burned immediately to avoid problems like this," he concluded.

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