JAKARTA - The police named 11 debt collectors as suspects who went viral because they besieging The Regional Secretariat, Nurhadi. The investigation of the suspect is based on the title of the case.

"11 people and their respective roles have now been designated as suspects and detentions are carried out", Metro Jaya Police Public Relations Chief Kombes Yusri Yunus told reporters on Monday, May 10.

The criminal offenses committed by dozens of debt collectors are due to be attempted forfeiture. What's more, their actions are thugs.

"It's a car coming through here, then he's moving to wait for a power of attorney, the system is like thugs on the road", Yusri said.

'It's been criminally violated his name. Deprivation, theft, that we can report those elements", continued Yusri

In addition, based on the title of the case and examination, continued Yusri, the debt collectors turned out to be illegal. Even though they have a power of attorney from the company.

The context is illegal in this case, the debt collectors do not have a certain skill and classification. Thus, when collecting arrears against debtors prone to thugs.

"Although the power of attorney exists but has no classification, expertise, has no policies, the SPP (Criminal Justice System) does not exist at all, so it should not be. It's illegal", Yusri said.

Earlier, police arrested 11 debt collectors involved in the siege of Serda Nurhadi that went viral on social media.

Head of Information at the Jaya Military Command Colonel Arh Herwin BS confirmed the arrest. The debt collectors are YAKM, JAD, HHL, HEL, PA, GL, GYT, JT, AM, DS, and HRL.

"Yes, they are secured by a joint team from Jaya Military Command and Jakarta Metro Police", Herwin said in his statement, Sunday, May 9.

This incident occurred on Thursday, May 6 at around 14.00 WIB, The Regional Secretariat Nurhadi who was in the East Semper Village Office got a report from PPSU (Public Facilities and Infrastructure Handling Officer) members who saw a vehicle surrounded by approximately 10 people, causing congestion.

Then in the car, there was a small child and a sick man, there was also an uncle and aunt of the owner of the car, so Nurhadi took the initiative to take over the steering wheel of the car to drive them to the hospital via the West Koja Toll Road.

But on the way, the car was still surrounded by a group of debt collectors. The Regional Secretariat Nurhadi then switched to take the car to the North Jakarta Metro Police because of the condition.

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