JAKARTA - At least 100 people were injured when Israeli police clashed with Palestinians in Jerusalem for the second night in a row Saturday, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent.

Six of those injured on Saturday were under the age of 18, including a one-year-old child, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent.

"All those injured were Palestinians and most were wounded by rubber bullets or stun grenades," the Palestinian Red Crescent said Sunday, May 9, cnn reported.

"Ten of the wounded were treated inside Jerusalem's Al Aqsa Mosque compound, five shots to the head with rubber bullets were treated in the field, four shots in the hands and feet were treated in the field and one wound to the face was taken to the field. hospitals," the Palestinian Red Crescent said.

The latest clashes came after as many as 205 people were injured at the Al Aqsa Mosque on Friday, when Israeli police with riot gear clashed with Palestinians after The Palestinians' Prayer, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent.

Tensions have also risen in east Jerusalem over the possible eviction of a Palestinian family living in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. As of Wednesday night, 22 people were injured in the violence there, according to the Red Crescent, two of whom needed hospital treatment.

In the incident, dozens of family supporters who threatened to be evicted gathered outside the house, singing and singing songs, with about 20 Israeli Jews also gathered nearby while playing loud music. The violence broke out after Palestinian protesters refused to follow police instructions to clear the street. As police entered, fighting broke out.

Israeli police said they began dispersing protesters at the Damascus Gate after protesters threw rocks, fireworks and other objects at police officers. There were no reports of injuries among israelis.

Eighty-eight of those injured on Friday were hospitalized, with most suffering injuries from rubber-coated bullets.

About 20 people were treated at a field hospital set up to cope with injuries from the city's most significant night of unrest in years.

"The international community needs to provide protection for the Palestinians and specifically urge the Biden administration to pressure Israel to stop its attacks so that the issue does not reach an uncontrollable stage," palestinian authority President Mahmoud Abbas' spokesman said.

International appeal

Separately, the international community called for caution and called for all parties to refrain, in connection with the recent Israeli - Palestinian clashes.

U.S. State Department Spokesman Ned Price said Friday the United States is "deeply concerned about the ongoing confrontation" in Jerusalem.

"We call on Israeli and Palestinian officials to act decisively to defuse tensions and stop the violence," Price said in a statement.

"It is imperceptive that all parties refrain, refrain from provocative actions and rhetoric, and preserve the historic status quo at the Haram al-Sharif Temple Mount in words and practices," he continued.

Envoys from four entities, Russia, the United States, the European Union and the United Nations, which are involved in peace mediation between the Palestinians and Israel, 'are monitoring the situation closely' the Office of the U.N. Special Coordinator for the Middle East said in a statement.

"The Envoys noted with serious concern the possibility of eviction of Palestinian families from the homes where they have lived for generations in the Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan neighborhoods of East Jerusalem and voiced opposition to unilateral action, which would only improve an already tense environment," the statement said.

The EU Commission also condemned the violence and expressed concern about possible evictions.

"Such actions are illegal under international humanitarian law and only trigger tensions on the ground," said Peter Stano, the EU Commission's chief spokesman for Foreign and Security Policy, in a statement.

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