JAKARTA - About 75 investigators and employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) were declared not meeting the requirements for the national insight test (TWK). The test, which was carried out as a form of transferring KPK employees to become the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), became a polemic in the community.

Ironically, these 75 employees are the Kasatgas who are the backbone of the investigation of major cases, including the senior investigator Novel Baswedan. There are allegations that TWK is only an effort to prevent dedicated employees who are still 'Red and White'. So, how difficult is the KPK employee test?

Former KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah told how when he participated in the selection to become a KPK employee. In the past, he said, the selection to enter the KPK was called Indonesia calling.

"Because we who took part in the selection felt compelled to serve Indonesia", Febri said in his Twitter account posted on May 6.

Febri graduated from Indonesia Calling 7 (IM-7) in 2013 along with 159 other employees. All tests before the work unit interview stage were conducted by independent consultants who had experience in conducting similar tests for several state / private institutions.

Stage 1, is administrative selection. Febri said, at this stage, there were some initial questions about the foundations of integrity and motivation to enter the KPK.

Then, stage 2 is a potential test that will be held for a full day. "I was a little unwell at that time, so when I answered I didn't realize it, I was a little runny", said Febri.

"If you look at the civil servant entrance test, there are several similar questions. But I felt the test was very tough that day. Apart from testing the potential for IQ, also patience and consistency", he continued.

Furthermore, stage 3 is a competency test by their respective fields and general knowledge about the nation and state, law, and eradicating corruption. And stage 4, namely the English test.

"Since I applied as an investigator, there were also questions about audits", he said.

At the competency stage, continued Febri, there was an interview with a consultant. He felt that only relevant things were being explored. There are even deep questions about integrity and independence. Including the question, what will you do if you know your boss is wrong?

"I answered, I will remind you in the right way", he said.

Febri was also asked what is the most difficult situation when it comes to choosing personal interests with the interest of carrying out duties. Until related to team leadership and decision making.

He understands that this question is very important because it relates to aspects of leadership and conflicts of interest. There was also a Leaderless Group Discussion session discussing the basic values of anti-corruption, such as honesty and how to build anti-corruption principles in the life of society and the state.

"The process is quite long and the screening is very strict. Finally, we took a medical test", he explained.

The registration process in May 2013. IM-7 just started doing education in November 2013. After all the stages have been passed, those who passed the selection were called to be interviewed with the work unit.

Prospective employees who pass the interview stage for this work unit have met basic competencies. It remains to be by the implementation of the duties of each unit. It was during this interview phase that abilities and backgrounds were explored.

"Previously, the KPK sent a profiling team for each candidate. After passing all the stages, as far as I remember, there were 160 people. We entered the most" famous "stage in each KPK force. This basic education is called KPK employee induction", said Febri.

The force at that time was educated and trained at the Kopassus Education Center in Batujajar for 2 months. Some of the previous batches were in BAIS TNI and Academy Police.

"We were given various physical materials, disciplines, aspects of nationalism and love for the country, to intelligence and legal materials", said Febri.

"At 4 am waking up, exercising, dawn congregation, bathing, ceremonies, morning apples, pbb, classes, etc.", he continued.

The daily session ends until apple tonight around 20.00 WIB or 21.00 WIB. Then he and his batch cleaned up and got ready to rest.

"But there is an obligation to take turns guarding the barracks every hour until morning. Oh yes, employees are given time to worship according to their respective religions, every day and also on Sundays", he said.

Apart from Batujajar, said Febri, they were also taken to the Kopassus forest training ground in Situ Lembang. He remembered that the water was very cold like the water left beside the refrigerator door overnight. There the more hard forging was carried out. Almost all the time the coach emphasizes nationality.

"Oh yes, I almost did not participate in the induction at that time, because the wife was pregnant with the 3rd child. But after I talked to the family, they gave up because what we understood at that time, being a KPK employee is a heart calling to contribute and serve Indonesia".

"Alhamdulillah, when there was news that my wife was going to give birth, I was given 2 days off to accompany the birth process in Jakarta. With a note, after that I must return to the location and report to the coach", explained Febri.

Febri is grateful and continues to communicate with several trainers at the Special Forces Education and Training Center who used to train him morning, noon, and night.

"What I'm telling you is probably only a small part. I heard that KPK employees in the previous generation went through a more difficult process. Not only that, but the selection of positions at the KPK also had to be tested with the stages as above", he explained.

"Because of that, I can't help thinking that some senior employees who are dedicated and have good performance are in danger of being eliminated just because of this controversial national insight test", said Febri.

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