JAKARTA - The police have discovered a new mode used to escape the blocking scheme for the homecoming prohibition. Some tried to trick the officers by using an ambulance.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that this mode was successfully thwarted by officers in the Cikarang area.

"There are many modus operandi used, including earlier in Cikarang 1. There was an ambulance trying to cheat. This is one of the modus operandi," said Yusri to reporters, Friday, May 7.

The disclosure of the mode of riding the ambulance stems from the suspicion of the officers. Because ambulances that are included in the list of exceptions to the prohibition of going home are seen by the police not as usual.

There were quite a lot of passengers in the ambulance. In fact, some of the passengers are children.

"This one ambulance contains 6 people, (plus 1) 7 with the driver. There are 2 adults, 2 mothers and 2 children," said Yusri.

From the inspection, the ambulance driver said he was going to Subang. The reason was that there were relatives who were sick and died.

But when the officers asked him to show other conditions such as evidence from the local village head and the results of the antigen test swab, they could not provide them.

"I wanted to go to Subang on the grounds that his mother had passed away but there was no statement letter from the RT / RW, the Kelurahan did not exist and was without an antigen swab certificate," said Yusri.

"After being checked, it turned out that this ambulance was used as the modus operandi for homecoming, even though the requirements were not in accordance with the regulations," he continued.

However, there are no criminal sanctions against the driver and passenger of the ambulance. They were only asked to return home and not go home.

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