JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) appealed to the public, especially Muslims who will celebrate Eid Al-Fitr to refrain from going back to their hometowns. In accordance with government recommendations to prevent a spike in new COVID-19 cases.

Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council, Anwar Abbas, assessed that the government's policy was very much in accordance with the principles in the teachings of Islam and the principles in the world of science.

"The world of science states that in the COVID-19 situation we must obey health protocols. In religion, we must not harm ourselves. We are told by religion to avoid things that will harm us and perish," Anwar told VOI, Friday, May 7th.

The Secretary General of the MUI for the 2015-2020 period appealed not to let the intention to cheer up people in their hometowns would actually harm others because they carried and spread the virus.

"Many people who are infected with the virus have OTG (people without symptoms, ed). So the heart's intention is to cheer up the parents but they are afraid because OTG will become a disaster. So joy ends in tears. I am very scared," said Anwar.

According to him, the government's recommendation regarding the ban on going home is correct and correct, so it must be supported by community behavior together. Because, this order aims to create protection for many people.

"So this is really obligatory to be obeyed. If there are those who do not obey, not because they are selfish or in a family then a new cluster is formed," said the cleric from West Sumatra.

Anwar also gave an example of a surge in India, which was in dire condition. Where COVID-19 is rampant after people participate in religious activities or the Kumbh Mela festival which is attended by millions of people.

"For example, in India. How can they be happy because there is a ritual bathing in the Ganges river, after that the epidemic immediately spreads so that the hospital is no longer able to accommodate it," he explained.

"Right now the world is sending aid to India, right? It is terrible. This is also because we are going to Eid al-Fitr and there is usually a gathering if medical protocols are not heeded and government restrictions are ignored, I am really afraid of an incident in Indonesia," Anwar continued.

Therefore, the chairman of PP Muhammadiyah for the 2015-2020 period hopes that there will be public awareness to respect the government's provisions for the common good.

"This policy is a policy supported by science and religion. So if it is followed by science and religion, life will be good and safe," explained Anwar.

He also quoted Prof.'s message. Muktar Ali, who said "With art life becomes beautiful, with knowledge of life made easy and with religion life becomes directed".

"So with knowledge we pay attention to health programs, we avoid illness and disease.

By obeying the provisions of religion, our life will be well directed, "said Anwar Abbas.

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