JAKARTA - The Nemangkawi Task Force arrested Harun Gobai, the owner of the Facebook account for Enago Wamoki. He spreads content related to the issue of Papuan genocide. So, watch out for your thumbs.

Gobai was arrested on Wednesday, May 5 yesterday while at the Mess Ridje Camp Barak U of PT Freeport Mile 72, Tembarapura, Mimika Regency, Papua.

"The Nemangkawi Cyber Ops Task Force arrested the owner of the Facebook account, Enago Wamoki, who spread the hate speech above," said Head of the Nemangkawi Operations Public Relations Task Force, Kombes Iqbal Alqudusy, to reporters, as reported by Djawanews, Thursday, May 6.

Iqbal explained that there were at least two contents that were suspected of violating criminal regulations. First, the narrative was uploaded by the account on April 20, 2021 at around 03.42 WIT.

The post of the upload was: 'All PAPUA people who are in PAPUA are shoving their hearts out because we PAPUA people are the views of the Republic of Indonesia in terms of TNI / POLRI, BIN BAIS, KOPASUS etc. they all OAP in PAPUA destroy / destroy on their own land '.

Then, long before that he had posted a tweet related to accusations of the government's failure to implement Special Autonomy (Otsus) which led to a series of violence in Papua. The upload was made in July 2020.

"The National Police will continue to enforce the law on accounts of provocation accounts that cause hatred, hostility based on SARA. Currently the suspect is being questioned at the Mimika Police. Passing a digital forensic examination of evidence and coordinating with the suspect's lawyer and experts, "he said.

For his actions, the suspect was charged with article 45 a paragraph (2) in conjunction with article 28 paragraph 2 of Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law No. 11 of 2008 which reads' everyone deliberately and without rights spreads information that is shown to cause hatred or enmity. certain individuals and / or community groups based on ethnicity, race, and between groups (SARA)

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