JAKARTA - The 212 Mart invasion case is currently being worked on by the Samarinda Police, East Kalimantan (Kaltim). Warganet raised several statements from the figures who supported the presence of this shopping location.

One of them is a social media activist, Permadi Arya who is well known as Abu Janda. Through his Instagram account @ permadiaktivis2, Abu Janda re-uploaded Ustaz Abdul Somad's statement.

Indeed, in the video, Ustaz Abdul Somad's statement was juxtaposed with several videos from television media informing the continuation of the 212 Mart fraud. Frankly, Ustaz Abdul Somad said there was no fraud when investing in 212 Mart.

"To the Muslim shopping center 212 Mart. Amanah, no tricks, no lies, no lies," said Ustaz Abdul Somad. Having not finished Ustaz Abdul Somad's statement, the video clip continued to the television presenter's statement regarding the continuation of the case at the police.

Apart from Abu Janda, Ustaz Abdul Somad's statement was also uploaded by the Twitter account @Jumianto_RK.

"Participating in promoting 212 Mart Ustaz Abdul Somad is sure that this business is not lying and not deceiving. The proof is that hundreds of residents were deceived into participating in fake investments of 212 Mart with losses of up to billions of Rupiah," he said as quoted by VOI, Wednesday, May 5.

In the video, Ustaz Abdul Somad invites people to shop at 212 Mart because it is free from fraud and can be trusted.

“Don't get busy, Akbar is just a crowd (but also) how the crowd is turned into strength. Then shop at the Muslim shopping center 212 Mart. Trust. Trust, no tricks, no lies, no lies, no items that have expired. A mandate like the mandate of the Prophet Muhammad, "added Abdul Somad.

Reporting from Kompas TV on Sunday, May 2, 2021, hundreds of residents reported allegations of invading 212 Mart to the Samarinda Police, East Kalimantan. The reporters came to Mapolresta because they felt cheated by the management of the Koperasi 212 Samarinda who invited investment to establish the 212 Mart shopping center.

It was stated that this problem had started since October 2020, starting from unpaid employee salaries, until the operation of 212 Mart was closed without any return on investment being paid. The problem peaked when the cooperative manager disappeared and was difficult to contact. Finally, the investors reported to the police.

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