JAKARTA - Former Commander of the Submarine Unit (Dansatsel), Koarmada II, Marine Colonel (P) Iwa Kartiwa, denied reports that he was seriously ill and could not speak due to radiation from the Submarine iron powder.

"There is a statement about my condition lying sick, unable to speak, can only be in bed. I say, if I say sick, I can still do activities even though I am limited," said Marine Colonel (P) Iwa Kartiwa, at a press conference at the TNI Hospital. AL Dr Mintohardjo, South Jakarta, Tuesday, May 4, quoted from Antara.

The former Commander of KRI Cakra-401 admits that he is indeed sick, but can still carry out activities as usual.

In fact, when he wanted to carry out treatment in Jakarta, he did not use an ambulance. However, he came alone using a private vehicle to Jakarta.

"There is a rumor that I was exposed to submarine iron powder radiation because it took too long. I have served in a submarine since second lieutenant, first lieutenant, captain, major and my friends. We love our unit," said the younger brother of the former West Java police chief, Inspector. General (Irjen) retired Anton Charliyan.

He also confirmed that the news that he was exposed to the submarine's iron powder radiation was not true.

"Submarines are designed by experts to carry personnel at depths. So God willing, at any depth, we are safe. If a problem is bad, not only in the submarine. In the car, if, for example, there is trouble, it can be an accident," he said.

Due to the illness he was suffering from, Iwa realized the possibility of a lack of self-discipline, so that he was forced to undergo prolonged treatment.

"The condition for a long time may have been because we lacked self-discipline, so indeed my condition might be being treated, but not because I was on a submarine," he explained.

Iwa admitted that he had nerve pain and a history of other diseases that made him unable to do much activity.

"Our disease started in 2017 when we were Commander of the Submarine Unit. In fact, I was bedridden for a month. We were ordered to go to Dr. Mintohardjo Hospital for an MRI. Apparently, we were exposed to 'hernia nucleus pulposus' (HNP) or pinched nerve, "said Iwa.

Since then, when doing activities, he needs a cane because his left leg cannot pedal to walk.

"But for other activities there is no problem. We are still carrying out our duties as Commander until the end of office, up to the Kodiklatal Danpusdikpel," said Iwa.

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