JAKARTA - The defendant in the case of alleged crowd and violation of health protocol Rizieq Shihab explained the seconds before the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) was disbanded.

Dissolution said Rizeq Shihab when FPI officials were applying for an organizational extension or a Certificate of Registration (SKT).

"In the past, to obtain SKT, we didn't need to ask for a recommendation from the Ministry of Religion. But this time there is a new regulation (regarding) religious mass organizations because FPI is categorized as a religious mass organization", Rizieq said during a trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Monday, May 3.

"Religious organizations to obtain SKT must obtain a recommendation from the Ministry of Religion, and finally we will take care of it", Rizieq continued.

After arranging according to what was directed, said Rizieq, a letter of recommendation from the Ministry of Religion was pocketed.

In fact, in the process, only a piece of paper was asked which contained the pledge of all management to be loyal to the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, and Undang-Undang Dasar 1945.

"Then after the recommendation was sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs, the SKT should have been extended. Suddenly the Ministry of Home Affairs saw an article that was less than the articles of association (organization), namely the article on dispute resolution", said Rizieq.

"So if there is a dispute between FPI management, how will it be resolved. The article is not in the articles of association yet. It is in the bylaws. The Ministry of Home Affairs asks it to be included in the articles of association", Rizieq continued.

FPI management also fulfilled all the wishes of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Precisely in August 2020 all requirements have been fulfilled and sent.

However, the Ministry of Home Affairs is considered to be stalling for the SKT arrangement. Until finally, FPI was dissolved on December 30, 2020.

"In the end, on December 30, 2020, FPI was dissolved. In fact, after we met all the conditions, we do not know why it was disbanded", he said.

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