JAKARTA - The National Police together with the TNI are still trying to deal with the Papuan armed criminal group (KKB), which the government is now labeling as terrorists. Polri-TNI wants to guarantee security in Papua.

"(Regarding the handling of terrorists), what is clear is that the TNI and Polri work together there. how to create a peaceful Papuan land, a safe Papuan land. Against the so-called terrorist groups there, of course the TNI and Polri will continue to make efforts to enforce the law against this group, ”said Karo Penmas, Public Relations Division of the Police Headquarters, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono at the Police Headquarters, Monday, May 3.

To be sure, the National Police emphasized that the state could not lose to the KKB. Because of that, hard efforts to eradicate the KKB terrorists continued.

"Currently, efforts are still being made by the TNI and Polri. Of course, the TNI and Polri will try hard, once again how to create a safe and peaceful land of Papua. In principle, of course, the state cannot lose to these groups, ”said Brigadier General Rusdi.

The joint task force has mapped the KKB in Papua. The handling of the KKB is carried out by means of the Terrorism Law.

"If it is already classified as a terrorist group, of course, use the law," he said.

"When they are given the label of terrorism, they are subject to the Eradication of Terrorism Law," continued Brigadier General Rusdi.

Regarding the involvement of the Police Densus 88 Anti-terrorism, according to Rusdi, it is still under study.

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