JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) claims to have done its best to investigate the alleged corruption in the issuance of a Certificate of Settlement (SKL) for Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI).

He conveyed this in response to the pretrial lawsuit of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) at the South Jakarta District Court some time ago.

"The KPK has made maximum efforts in its efforts to resolve the BLBI case", said KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in Jakarta, Monday, May 3.

He explained that this case was stopped not because the KPK had not succeeded in completing an investigation or was unable to find the majority shareholder of Bank Dagang Nasional Indonesia (BDNI) Sjamsul and Itjih Nursalim in Singapore. This case was stopped, the maximum steps taken by the KPK ended in rejection from the Supreme Court.

Ali explained that this maximum effort was carried out by filing a Review of the Supreme Court decision. This, continued Ali, was the first time this was done as long as the anti-graft commission was established.

However, this extraordinary effort was later rejected by the Supreme Court. So, the option taken was to issue a letter of termination of investigation (SP3) and then taken by the KPK.

"The option taken by the KPK in this SP3 is because the reason is not a criminal act because there is a final decision from the Supreme Court so that the element requirements of a criminal act by state administrators are not fulfilled based on the Supreme Court's final decision", he said.

In addition, the decision to issue SP3 was also made because the Supreme Court decided that the SKL BLBI case was not a criminal act but a civil act.

"As for the opportunity for a civil lawsuit as stipulated in Article 32 of the Corruption Act, of course, based on the law, the KPK does not have the authority and legal standing as a plaintiff through civil channels", he said.

So, now the KPK admits that it will follow the pretrial process. "The KPK appreciates the pretrial efforts put forward by the community and hopes that there will be new legal breakthroughs", said Ali.

"Because from the start, the KPK believed that the BLBI /BDNI case had sufficient evidence and in fact, the KPK prosecutor's indictment was proven according to law at the District Court level and on appeal at the Jakarta High Court", he said.

Previously reported, the KPK officially stopped the investigation into the corruption case in the issuance of a Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Certificate. In addition, the KPK opens up opportunities to stop investigations into other old cases.

Through a press conference, KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata stated that the SKL BLBI corruption case involved three people, namely Sjamsul Nursalim and his wife, Itjih Nursalim, and Syafruddin Arsyad Tumenggung.

This is the first time that the KPK has issued a Letter of Termination of Investigation and Prosecution in investigating corruption cases.

"We announce the termination of the investigation regarding the alleged corruption crime committed by the suspect Sjamsul Nursalim as the controlling shareholder of Bank Dagang Nasional and Itjih Sjamsul Nursalim, together with Syafruddin Arsyad Tumenggung as chairman of BPPN (National Bank Restructuring Agency)", Alex said as quoted from the KPK RI YouTube account, Thursday, April 1.

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