JAKARTA - The Institute for Community Studies and Advocacy (ELSAM) and the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR) have asked the government to review the labeling of terrorists against armed criminal groups (KKB) in Papua.

The reason is that the labeling of terrorists for the Papuan KKB will have an impact on the security of civilians and have the potential to increase violence and violations of human rights (HAM).

"ELSAM and ICJR urge President Joko Widodo to order the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs to reassess and revoke the KKB's designation as a terrorist group, because it will have a serious impact on human rights issues," said ELSAM Executive Director Wahyudi Djafar in a written statement quoted on Sunday, 2 May.

He asked President Jokowi to take a peaceful path, by carrying out a dignified dialogue. In addition, this dialogue must also involve stakeholder actors or stakeholders involved in the Papuan struggle so far.

In line with Wahyudi, the Executive Director of ICJR, Erasmus AT Napitupulu said that instead of labeling the KKB Papua as a terrorist, the government should choose the dialogue path instead of using a repressive and militaristic approach.

He said Jokowi needed to ask TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto and National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo to re-evaluate security operations in Papua.

"Urging the president to order the TNI Commander and the Chief of Police to re-evaluate security operations in Papua, which are the basis for sending or adding TNI / Polri troops in Papua, until the security status of Papua is clear," he said.

Previously reported, the announcement of the KKB Papua into a terrorist organization was made by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD at his office, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat on Thursday, April 29. This label is also considered in accordance with Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning the Crime of Terrorism.

"The government considers that organizations and people in Papua who commit massive violence are categorized as terrorists," he said as quoted from the Kemenko Polhukam YouTube channel.

The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) explained that based on the law that is the basis for labeling, those who are said to be terrorists are anyone who plans, mobilizes and organizes terrorism.

Terrorism itself is any act that uses violence or threats that creates an atmosphere of terror or fear in a widespread manner.

"Which can cause mass casualties or cause damage or destruction to vital strategic objects to the environment, public facilities or international facilities with ideological, political and security motives," said Mahfud.

In addition, he also ensured that the government's decision was in line with the statements of a number of figures, heads of agencies and other institutions who often stated that the KKB had committed brutal violence.

Not only that, he also admitted that there are not a few community leaders, traditional leaders, local governments, and the DPRD in Papua who have so far visited the Kemenko Polhukam office to provide support.

"(They provide, red) support to the Government of Indonesia to take the necessary actions to deal with violence that has recently emerged in Papua," he explained.

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