JAKARTA - Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim said the momentum of the National Education Day was an event to revive Ki Hajar Dewantara's thoughts.

"Starting today, we must inspire the thought of the Father of Indonesian Education and revive it so that quality education can be quickly created for all Indonesian people, and the realization of true learning freedom", said Nadiem in his speech at the National Education Day commemoration, quoted from Antara, Sunday, May 2.

Nadiem Makarim, who at the 2021 National Education Day Commemoration ceremony wore traditional Rote NTT (West Nusa Tenggara) clothing, added that it had been too long for Ki Hajar Dewantara's thought to not be fully utilized.

Education in Indonesia must lead to the birth of inner happiness as well as the safety of life. The basic essence of education must free human life.

"This is the right moment for us to reflect on what has been done well and what needs to be improved. The new sheet of Indonesian education means transformation. The transformation that still relies on the nation's history, and also the courage to create a glorious new history", he explained.

He added that he wanted Indonesian children to become students who adhere to the philosophy of Pancasila, students who are free throughout their lives, and students who can face the future with confidence.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Culture consistently continues to transform education through various breakthroughs on Freedom of Learning. Four efforts to improve are continuously carried out with various elements of society.

These improvements include improvements in infrastructure and technology, improvements in policies, procedures, and funding, as well as granting more autonomy to educational units.

Then, improving leadership, society, and culture as well as improving curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment.

"Since I took office until now, including during the pandemic, ten episodes of Merdeka Belajar have been launched and there will be many more breakthroughs of Merdeka Belajar that we will do", he said.

This meaningful transformation was carried out so that everything that had made this nation only run in place could be transformed into leaps of progress.

"From the bottom of my heart, the ministry's extended family and I would like to thank you profusely", he said.

"Merdeka Belajar (Freedom Learning) breakthroughs can really target the entire community, from educators and students from early childhood education to higher education, parents, people's representatives, local governments, community organizations, to the business world and the industrial world, from Sabang to Merauke, Miangas to Rote Island", he continued.

The pandemic crisis, he continued, is a field of optimism waiting to be harvested. The crisis is an opportunity to reap progress. Currently, some have implemented limited face-to-face learning, some are preparing.

Nadiem is very excited, seeing that people are aware that they must continue to move forward and make various leaps of progress without hesitation, of course by prioritizing safety and health.

"We need to understand that a pandemic is not the only challenge we face. In the future, there are still a series of challenges that we will and must go through together. Let's go through all the challenges with innovation and solutions", he said.

"Let us create a glorious and undeniable history by the world. Realizing Freedom of Learning will be accomplished more quickly. Silih asah, silih asuh, dan silih asih (remind each other, love each other, and guide each other / in Sundanese), for the sake of one goal, namely superior human resources, Indonesia advances", added Nadiem.

The 2021 National Education Day commemoration carries the theme "Simultaneously Move, Realizing Freedom of Learning".

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