JAKARTA - The Myanmar military regime launched six air raids throughout Friday 30 April, on the base of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), after failing to reclaim the strategic hill of Alaw Bum on the Myanmar-China border.
The attack, which failed to have an impact on KIA, came after the Myanmar military regime lost its soldiers again in an attack by KIA, said a KIA officer.
The attack by the ethnic armed KIA in the city of Momauk was able to repel soldiers from the 77th Light Infantry Division, which was notorious for its cruelty in the face of February 1 Myanmar military anti-coup protesters.
At least 20 Myanmar soldiers were killed in this attack while trying to reclaim Alaw Bum Hill which is above the city. KIA seized a strategic hill on the border of Myanmar with China on March 25.
In addition to the death toll of 20 soldiers, the Myanmar military regime also lost its weapons. The KIA officer revealed that his party managed to confiscate 18 weapons from the Myanmar military.

The 77th Light Infantry Division was not the first Myanmar sent to the region to retake the strategic hill. On April 24, KIA was involved in a clash with the 88th Light Infantry Division.
"KIA benefited after a bombing incident by the Myanmar military against the 88th Light Infantry Division resulted in many deaths," said the KIA officer, launching Myanmar Now, Saturday, May 1.
The day after the incident, the regime deployed three military units to attack Alaw Bum again and also launched air strikes. However, KA again managed to defend the hill.
Previously, hundreds of Myanmar military troops and two fighter jets were deployed to seize the strategic hill of Alaw Bum, which KIA managed to beat back in mid-April. A Myanmar military battalion commander was killed in this attack.
"Everything is under the control of KIA. Their armed forces are still far from the Alaw Bum base. I don't know if they will step down," said KIA Armed Ethnic Spokesman Colonel Naw Bu.
Ironically, failing to repulse KIA, the Myanmar military regime also directed its attacks on civilians.
"Someone's house was bombed in Kone Law village on April 28. Everyone from the village fled, except one or two people who stayed to guard their house. One person was seriously injured and reportedly sent to the Momauk military hospital, while another man from the village The neighboring Nwam Lan was also injured, "said a resident.
Myanmar Coup. The VOI editorial team continues to monitor the political situation in one of the ASEAN member countries. Casualties from civilians continue to fall. Readers can follow the news surrounding the Myanmar military coup by tapping on this link.
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