JAKARTA - West Sumatra Governor Mahyeldi Ansharullah reminded the company to pay the holiday allowance (THR) which is the right of employees on time according to applicable regulations.

According to him, the THR payment guidelines are contained in Circular Letter Number 562/745 / Nakertrans-2021 concerning the Implementation of Religious Holiday Allowances (THR) in 2021.

This is also in accordance with the Circular of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Number M / 6 / HK.04 / IV / 2021 dated April 12, 2021 concerning the Implementation of the Granting of Religious Holiday Allowances in 2021 for Workers / Laborers in Companies.

Mahyeldi said that the THR was paid on time to maintain a conducive atmosphere ahead of Eid and to ensure the comfort of investing in the area.

"The West Sumatra Provincial Government, through the Nakertrans Office, will supervise the THR Complaints Post at the Edge of the Padang Desert. Therefore, let's maintain a conducive atmosphere for the goodness of the month of Ramadan and the stability and security of local government administration in West Sumatra," he said in Padang, quoted by Antara. , Friday, April 30th.

He also asked regents and mayors to participate in supervising companies in their respective regions.

Meanwhile, Head of Industrial Relations and Supervision of the West Sumatra Nakertrans Service, Prita Wardani, said that at the THR Complaints Post there were officers consisting of supervisors and mediators.

Workers who have complaints can go directly to the UPTD Supervision of the post or can fill in the form via the application at bit.ly/poskothr.

"The complaint is personal and prioritizes the confidentiality of the reporter's identity. The case will be followed up by inviting businessmen to the office or being contacted by telephone or being followed up directly to the company," he said.

THR Posts in UPTD Supervision are in three districts and cities in West Sumatra, namely in Padang, Payakumbuh and Sijunjung.

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