Jakarta Is Hard, 12-year-old Kid Caught Smoking, Relaxing Driving A Tronton! Police: Offense
Illustration-Metro Jaya Police Building (Doc VOI)

JAKARTA - A boy suddenly went viral on the Instagram timeline. This is because he seems to be casually driving a trailer truck on the toll road by himself.

In the video uploaded by the @ cetull.22 account, the boy is seen driving a green tronton truck. In fact, the boy who was seen smoking a cigarette had mentioned his destination city as Tasikmalaya.

"Bro, where are you interesting ?," asked the video, quoted by VOI, Friday, April 30.

"To Lake," replied the boy.

It was even more shocking when the video recorder asked the boy's over-question. Without a burden, the boy replied that he was only 12 years old.

"How old are you?" asked the recorder.

"Twelve" replied the boy.

Meanwhile, the police, who were confirmed regarding this, said that they had secured the child and his vehicle.

Kasubdit Gakkum Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Fahri Siregar said the boy's action was a violation.

Obviously there is a rule that only drivers of vehicles are at least 17 years old. Apart from that, you also need to have a driving license (SIM).

"Children are not old enough, do not have a SIM, including traffic violations," said Fahri.

In fact, the action of the boy whose identity is not yet known is said to have the potential to cause an accident. This is because children at his age do not yet have the ability on all sides to ride.

"It has potential for laka because it does not have the legitimacy of the competence that the competence has obtained after taking several tests conducted by the Police," said Fahri.

Separately, the Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo, confirmed that he had been entrusted with the document. "It has been secured," said Sambodo as quoted by Antara, Friday, April 30.

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