JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission XIII of the House of Representatives Andreas Hugo Pareira criticized the attitude of the Head of the Presidential Communication Office, Hasan Nasbi, who responded to the terror of the pig head sending to the Tempo media office by saying 'gooked'.
Andreas assessed that Hasan Nasbi's statement reflected an arrogant, ethically poor and inappropriate attitude by state officials.
"The palace spokesman's response to order the pig's head to be cooked is arrogant that smells of insult to the media. It is inappropriate for a spokesman who represents the voice of the palace to say so," Andreas said, Monday, March 22.
In addition to insulting the media, Andreas said that Hasan Nasbi's statement was nirempati and did not respect human rights (HAM).
Our constitution regulates that our state guarantees the right to decent work for every citizen. It means that it is in terms of comfort and security. And guarantees for work are human rights," he said.
Andreas emphasized that sending a pig head package addressed to Tempo journalist Francisca Christy Rosana or who is familiarly called Cica cannot be seen as an ordinary case, let alone a funny case.
"This action can be called a form of terror aimed at silencing the mass media," said Andreas.
Therefore, the leadership of the Commission in charge of legal and human rights issues criticized Hasan Nasbi's statement. According to Andreas, threats to journalists and the mass media should be taken seriously, not by making jokes.
"The government should take a serious stance on attempts to intimidate the press, not underestimate this incident," said the legislator from the NTT I electoral district.
"A statement that is considered to be joking or belittle can reduce public confidence in the Government's commitment to protecting press freedom," Andreas continued.
For information, Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of association and assembly, expressing thoughts orally and in writing. The press, which includes print media, electronic media, and other media, is one of the means to express thoughts verbally and in writing.
The press can also be said to be the fourth pillar of democracy in addition to the executive, legislative and judicial institutions. In Law No. 40 of 1999 in Article 3 paragraph 1 it is stated that the press has a function as a medium of information, education, entertainment, and social control.
According to Andreas, terror against media like this can be considered a threat to press freedom in Indonesia. If the government through its officials does not show a clear side in protecting the press, he said, then this can worsen democratic conditions and the independence of journalists.
"The statement of an official who underestimates threats to the media can tarnish the image of the Government. What Hasan Nasbi said reflects an ethically poor attitude and is inappropriate for state officials to say," he said.
In addition, Andreas continued, Hasan Nasbi's statement made the public question the Government's commitment to ensuring security and freedom of expression. "And I think Hasan Nasbi should apologize for his statement which not only underestimated the performance of journalists, but also was not sensitive to human rights," he added.
Andreas assessed that the authorities need to thoroughly investigate the terror case against Tempo, known as the critical media. Without a firm response, according to him, the public can be increasingly skeptical of the Government's commitment to upholding the law and protecting journalists.
'Responsions and firmness from the State are also important. Because if the apparatus and the government ignore it, the public will actually wonder what is the issue behind terror against this media," he said.
As previously reported, Hasan Nasbi also conveyed his statement about the threat of pig head terror received by Cica, a journalist who hosted the Bocor Alus Politik program, Tempo. Casually, he told Cica to cook the pig head sent by the unknown person.
"Just cooked, just cooked," Hasan Nasbi told the media crew at the Presidential Palace complex, Friday, March 21.
Hasan Nasbi said the terror of the pig head sent to the Tempo editorial office was a media issue with other parties. "We don't know this. This is their problem with who. I don't know who sent it. I can't respond to anything," he said.
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