BANDA ACEH - Minister of Defense Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin a working visit to Aceh to review educational facilities and training systems at the Iskandar Muda Main Regiment (Rindam) located in Mata'i, Aceh Besar.

"The working visit of the Indonesian Defense Minister to Aceh to directly inspect educational facilities and training systems at the Iskandar Muda Main Regiment (Rindam)," said the Commander of the Iskandar Muda Regional Military Command (Pangdam IM) Major General TNI Niko Fahrizal as reported by ANTARA, Monday, March 24.

The statement was made on the sidelines of welcoming the arrival of Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin at Sultan Iskandar Muda Air Base (Lanud SIM), Blang Bintang.

He explained that the Minister of Defense's visit to Aceh was also part of the Ministry of Defense's efforts to improve human resource development for Indonesian Army soldiers, especially in the field of military education and training.

According to him, education and training at Rindam IM is the main foundation in producing soldiers who are disciplined, tough, and ready to carry out state duties.

"With the direct attention of the Minister of Defense, we are increasingly motivated to continue to improve the quality of the coaching of soldiers within the IM Kodam," said Pangdam IM.

TNI Major General Niko Fahrizal explained that in facing increasingly complex defense challenges, the soldier's education and training system must always adapt to the times and operational needs.

Therefore, improving the quality of instructors, modernizing training methods, and procuring better educational facilities are top priorities in the Rindam IM environment.

TNI Major General Niko Fahrizal also hopes that the working visit of the Indonesian Minister of Defense to Aceh can have a positive impact on strengthening the defense and personnel development system in the Iskandar Muda Kodam area.

"We hope that this visit will further strengthen the synergy between the Ministry of Defense and the Iskandar Muda Military Command in building a better military education system. With superior and professional human resources, the national defense will be stronger," he said.

This working visit is an important momentum in encouraging the strengthening of the military education and training system within the Rindam IM environment, in order to produce professional TNI AD soldiers, have integrity, and are ready to carry out national defense tasks in various conditions.

During the visit, the Minister of Defense listened to the explanation from the Commander of Rindam IM, Colonel Inf Hasandi Lubis regarding the implementation of education and training for Indonesian Army soldiers, including the innovation of learning methods to improve the quality and readiness of combat soldiers.

The Minister of Defense also took the time to directly inspect the barracks of TNI students, student kitchens and educational facilities at Rindam IM.

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