West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police Chief Inspector General Hadi Gunawan removed Police Inspector Satu Dwi Maulana Kurnia Amin from the position of Head of the Kayang Sector Police (Kapolsek), North Lombok Regency.
North Lombok Police Chief AKBPAgus Purwanta has arrested Iptu Dwi from the position of Kapolsek Kayangan as the aftermath of Rizkil Watoni's hanging case, a resident of Sesait Village, Kayangan District.
"This is to facilitate the examination from the Propam Division of the National Police Headquarters and the Propam Division of the NTB Police," Agus said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 21.
The removal of Iptu Dwi from the position of Kapolsek Kayang, said Agus, was based on the Telegram Letter of the NTB Police Chief dated March 21, 2025. In the telegram letter, Iptu Dwi was replaced by Iptu Zainudin.
In an examination conducted by the Professional and Security Division (Propam) of the National Police and the Propam Division of the NTB Police, Iptu Dwi and his members were suspected of suppressing and intimidating Rizkil Watoni in the case of alleged theft of his cell phone belonging to the supermarket cashier, who finally chose to end his life by hanging himself.
The police chief said this action was a form of Polri's commitment to resolve the problem of alleged naughty people who tarnished the good name of the institution.
"We are still investigating all forms of member violations and we are doing it based on all information circulating in the community," he said.
The case of alleged theft of cellphones with reported Rizkil Watoni, a government employee with a work agreement (PPPK) at the North Lombok Regency Public Works and Spatial Planning Service (PUPR) first came from the report of an Alfamart employee with the initials RF on March 7, 2025 who claimed to be a victim.
Even though the reported less than 24 hours of the incident had returned the mobile phone to RF. The return on the basis of Rizkil Watoni had no intention of taking the cellphone belonging to the complainant and realized that the Alfamart cellphone was similar to his.
Due to the return, the complainant and the reported have found a point of peace. The reported party then withdrew his report at the Kayangan Police.
After the peace, Rizkil, who was initially detained, was later released. However, not even the report was completed, but there were allegations that Rizkil was intimidated by the police for the theft case which could still continue.
Rizkil's family accused the suicide of being due to pressure from the police. This is corroborated by the evidence contained on Rizkil's cell phone.
He felt depressed over this pressure and chose to end his life by hanging himself.
The public who knew the motive for the Rizkil death incident spontaneously carried out an attack and vandalism at the Kayangan Police Headquarters on the day Rizkil's body was found hanging from the ceiling of his house, Monday (17/3).
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