A total of six cellphones (HP) belonging to the protest participants at the DPR RI building, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 20, were missing. This was conveyed directly by one of the orators of the command car.

"Currently there are six cellphones missing," said the orator in front of the DPR RI building, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 20.

The orator asked the demonstrators or anyone who took or found to return the cellphone. This is because the demonstration against the TNI Law today, Thursday, March 20 at the DPR RI Building, is a form of joint struggle that must not be littered by unscrupulous persons.

"Those who took the cellphone please return us struggling here," shouted the orator.

Cellphones taken ranging from iPhone to Infinix brands, are thought to have been stolen by pickpockets.

One of the students also spoke on the command car, he invited his pickpocket to take his cellphone as long as he returned the important files contained in the cellphone.

"Those who took Samsung's cellphone, just take their cellphone, but please send my thesis file in it, send it to whoever is in WA, it's a thesis file, it's important," said the student.

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