JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) detained Jimmy Masrin as President Director of PT Caturkarsa Megatunggal and President Commissioner of PT Petro Energy and Finance Director of PT Petro Energy Susy Mira Dewi Sugiarta today.
Both are part of five corruption suspects in providing credit facilities by the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI).
"KPK has detained two suspects in the LPEI case," said KPK Investigation Director Asep Guntur Rahayu to reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, March 20.
In addition, the KPK has also detained another suspect, Newin Nugroho, as President Director of PT Petro Energy on Thursday, March 13.
Jimmy and Susy, continued Asep, will be detained for the first 20 days and will be extended according to the needs of investigators. They were detained at the KPK Detention Center (Rutan).
The five suspects named by the KPK in this case are Dwi Wahyudi as Managing Director I of LPEI, Arif Setiawan as Managing Director IV of LPEI, Jimmy Masrin as President Director of PT Caturkarsa Megatunggal and President Commissioner of PT Petro Energy, and Susy Mira Dewi Sugiarta who is Finance Director of PT Petro Energy.
They allegedly cost the state finances US$18.070 million and Rp549.144.535.027.
As previously reported, the KPK revealed that there were a number of fraud related to the provision of credit facilities to PT Petro Energy by the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI). Among them is a meeting between LPEI and the directors of PT Petro Energy.
During the meeting, it was agreed that lending would be made easier. In fact, PT Petro Energy should not be worthy of facilities from LPEI because its financial condition is not healthy.
In addition, during the meeting it was also suspected that zakat money was given to the directors, with amounts ranging from 2.5 to 5 percent of the total financing received.
The KPK also found falsification of invoices or bills. This finding is reinforced by witness statements and documents that have been pocketed by investigators.
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