JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission III of the DPR Habiburokhman stated that his party would ask for an explanation from the National Police regarding the findings of marijuana fields in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) area, East Java.
Habiburokhman said his party would immediately contact the National Police to receive a report regarding the findings.
"We will contact the National Police to immediately provide a written report to us regarding this case," said Habiburokhman, Thursday, March 20.
He admitted that he had just heard about the discovery of a marijuana field from social media. Therefore Habiburokhman could not comment further.
"We also just found our marijuana fields from the media. We have communication lines, yes, our communication is smooth with the Police," said Habiburokhman.
As previously reported, a narrative circulated on social media stating that there were marijuana fields at 59 points in the Mount Bromo tourist area. The area is allegedly up to 6,000 square meters.
The narrative is attributed to the ban on drone flights at that location or having to pay Rp. 2,000,000 in order to keep flying drones.
Head of the TNBTS Center, Rudijanta Tjahja Nugraha, said the marijuana field was found in the TNBTS area in September 2024. This finding is the result of the development of narcotics cases handled by the Lumajang Police.
"On September 18-21, 2024, the TNBTS Center together with the Lumajang Resort Police, the TNI, and the Argosari Village apparatus, Senduro District, Lumajang Regency, managed to find a marijuana plant based on the determination of the location coordinates in the Pusung Duwur Block," he said, Wednesday, March 19.
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