JAKARTA - The Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia, ST Burhanuddin, received a visit from the Head of the National Nutrition Agency, Dadan Hindayana, at the Attorney General's Main Building on Thursday, March 20, 2025. This meeting discussed the gathering as well as consultation related to the assistance of the Prosecutor's Office in the national nutrition program.
During the meeting, the Attorney General emphasized the importance of the role of the Prosecutor's Office in overseeing the newly formed policy of the National Nutrition Agency.
"This body needs full support. Every policy must be monitored so that its implementation runs well and does not cause problems in the future," he said.
Dadan Hindayana expressed his appreciation for this support. He explained that the National Nutrition Agency manages a large budget, which is IDR 71 trillion in the 2025 State Budget, with an additional IDR 171 trillion to serve 82.9 million beneficiaries.
"We need assistance from the Attorney General's Office so that budget management runs accountable, both in direction, risk mitigation, and supervision," he said.
As a concrete step, the Attorney General's Office will assist the National Nutrition Agency in various aspects, such as legal opinion, legal assistance, and escort in the auction process. With this, it is hoped that the implementation of the program will remain in accordance with the principles of good governance.
"We must avoid budget leakage. With assistance and supervision from the Prosecutor's Office, potential problems can be minimized before a large budget is executed," said the Attorney General.
Both parties hope that this collaboration can accelerate the implementation of a national nutrition program that has a broad impact on the community, with transparent and responsible governance.
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