JAKARTA - Three units of dome tents were established by several demonstrators in front of the Pancasila Gate, the back door of the DPR RI building, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 20. In addition to setting up tents, the demonstrators also put up red and white flags and red bars flags.
According to Vi, one of the demonstrators of civil society, this action was carried out because the community was worried about the revision of the TNI Law.
"The government should have a tweet, yes, more towards the community, let alone the DPR. But the DPR has never listened to the people. Through this action, we will continue to plan and consolidate regarding the ratification of the TNI Bill," Vi told reporters at the Pancasila Gate, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta.
In this action, the masses who had set up tents since Thursday morning brought 6 demands.
"Our main demand is six. The first is to reject the revision of the TNI Law, reject the Military Function Dwi, withdraw the military from civilian positions and return the TNI to the barracks, reform the TNI institutions, dissolve territorial command and thoroughly investigate corruption and military business," he said.
With the revision of the TNI Law, he continued, it is feared that the public will suffer losses due to the 'security crime'.
"With this cybersecurity, we will have limited space for freedom of expression and opinion because our safe space is increasingly oppressed, our space for movement is increasingly limited. So many things have backfired on social media," he said.
In addition, Vi said, there are several articles where the TNI will immediately take a stand on the field.
"There are several articles where the TNI will go directly to events such as strikes, and on communal conflicts where our space for movement is increasingly limited. Many articles are unethical, not transparent and unfit to be used as laws," he said.
Vi said that this action would be followed by thousands of people from various elements, both students and civil society.
"The mass action will continue to grow and the masses will be around 500-1000 people. This action will be carried out until they win, until the TNI Bill is destroyed and revoked," he said.
Previously, it was reported that 5,021 joint personnel were deployed to secure student demonstrations and community alliances related to the revision of the TNI Law in front of the DPR RI Building, Central Jakarta on Thursday, March 20.
"In order to secure the expressing of opinions from students and several alliances, we involved 5,021 joint personnel," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro when confirmed, Thursday, March 20.
The joint personnel are from Polda Metro Jaya, Polres Metro Central Jakarta, TNI, Pemda DKI and related agencies.
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