The QRIS Tap payment method can be used on a phone that has a near field communication (NFC) feature on the phone. Once the NFC is activated, the user can immediately attach the phone to the tap machine.
President Director of PT Transjakarta Welfizon Yuza admitted that currently his party is still reviewing the implementation of QRIS Tap to be installed at stops and non-BRT Transjakarta buses.
"So far, it has not been (used for regular buses). So, the stage is from this piloting, later we will evaluate it. If the Governor of Bank Indonesia says this speed can be 0.3 seconds. That's what we and the technical team are after the bias speed can be faster. Once later everything is technically okay, then we roll out," Welfizon told reporters, Thursday, March 20.
At the launch of QRIS Tap a few days ago, Welfizon admitted that this new payment method was also applied to the Royaltrans fleet. However, it has not been used thoroughly.
"At the MRT, it's for the Lebak Bulus-HI route. In Transjakarta, we implemented it on 12 Royaltrans routes. There are 70 Royaltrans units, 12 routes, all of which can already use QRIS Tap," said Welfizon.
From the use of QRIS Tap in Royaltrans, Transjakarta found a slight obstacle, namely the difference in NFC points on each customer's cellphone.
"At the time of implantation, we tried to learn many things. For example, the location of each NFC has a different cellphone. That was when the implementation was discovered. We continued to fix it, so it was more perfect, then we rolled out," he explained.
Dalam peluncuran di MRT Jakarta, Gubernur Bank Indonesia Perry Warjiyo menuturkan, penggunaan QRIS Tap dihadirkan untuk memudahkan masyarakat dalam bertransaksi yang lebih cepat dan praktis. Dalam QRIS Tap, pengguna tak perlu lagi memindai QR code secara manual.
"This service can be used by people who have NFC technology devices, by using a source of credit facility savings or server based electronic money at payment service companies that support QRIS Tap. So the important thing is that the money is there, later in the account, yes," added Perry.
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