One of the defendants who owns dangerous cosmetics, Mira Hayati, secretly proposed a transfer of status from Makassar State Detention Center (Rutan) to city detention or only being detained xi home during the trial process to the Makassar Class I District Court Judges, South Sulawesi.
"Yes, that's right (promoting the transfer of city detention status)," said the public prosecutor team as well as serving as Head of the Information and Law Section of the South Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office, Soetarmi, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, March 20.
Confirmed separately, the legal adviser to the defendant Mira Hayati, Ida Hamidah also confirmed that she had tried to apply for the transfer of prison status to city detention. He argued that his client's condition was still sick and temporarily breastfeeding his baby after giving birth recently.
"We will still ask for the transfer (status) again, we will try," said Ida Hamidah to reporters at the Makassar District Court after the trial.
Responding to the status transfer effort, the Sulawesi Anggareksa Anti-Corruption Committee (ACC) activist explained that the request for transfer of status has been regulated in statutory products and there is the right of the defendant.
However, the decision to request the transfer of prisoners remains with the judge after considering various aspects and the potential for interference with the trial process.
"The transfer of detention status is justified by law and that is the right of the defendant. However, it could result in disruption of the trial process if the defendant is uncooperative and there is a risk of escaping and eliminating evidence," he stressed.
In cases like this, he said, there are two main reasons to maintain detention status in prisons rather than city detainees. First, the trial will run smoothly. Second, the impact of the defendant's actions caused major losses to the community, on the other hand providing relief that hurt the public's sense of justice.
Previously, a follow-up trial at the Makassar District Court presented three witnesses submitted by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) to trace the distribution flow of hazardous cosmetic products containing mercury as evidence in court.
Witness Irwandi from the National Police on duty at the South Sulawesi Regional Police said that the disclosure of this case began with public reports of the circulation of hazardous beauty cosmetics or skincare that could damage consumers' faces.
Furthermore, the witness bought the product which was selling well in the online platform market, then brought the product to be tested at the Makassar Food and Drug Supervisory Center (BPOM). As a result, it contains harmful substances, mercury.
As a result, from the results of the laboratory test, the police moved and confiscated hundreds of products from distributors who received stock directly from Mira Hayati. This trial fact further strengthens that the products in circulation not only violate regulations, but have the potential to endanger consumers.
In this case, apart from Mira Hayati, there were two defendants who had dangerous cosmetics who also underwent trial for the examination of witnesses, namely Agus Salim (40) and Mustadir Daeng Sila (42) with separate trials but still with the same agenda.
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