Central Java Governor Ahmad Luthfi asked for strict action against the perpetrators who flew hot air balloons wildly, because the so-called practice, especially during Ramadan, could endanger airplane flights.
"I respect this tradition (flying hot air balloons). But (overcoming) wild air balloons is not enough just by appeal, criminal acts so that there is a deterrent effect," he said when receiving a visit by General Manager of Airnav Semarang Branch Rita Nurharyanti as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 18.
Luthfi emphasized that education and socialization are needed related to the correct air balloon flight mechanism.
"Previously, disseminate information first. Educate the public so that it is not arbitrary, because it can harm flights," he said.
He received a report from Airnav sourced from a pilot plane report that throughout 2024 there were 14 wild air balloons flying in the Central Java region.
The balloons are spread across various regions over different times, including in Boja (Kendal Regency), Weleri (Kendal), Pekalongan Regency, and most in Batang.
He admitted that there are indeed a number of traditions for people in a number of areas, such as in Banjarnegara, Wonosobo, and Pekalongan City that fly hot air balloons, and even hold a number of festivals.
However, at officially held festivals, balloons are usually flown with ropes so that their heights can be limited.
For the socialization and education of air balloon lighting, Luthfi asked the district/city government to cooperate with the National Police and the TNI, considering that bhabinkamtibmas and babinsa could spearhead education in the community.
Moreover, he said, before Eid, usually, flight traffic increases to serve travelers or people who are going on vacation so that flight safety from wild air balloons is a priority.
Meanwhile, General Manager of Airnav Semarang Branch Rita Nurharyanti said that she had verified the pilot's report regarding the wild air balloon and hoped that the airspace in Central Java would be safe for aircraft flights.
On the other hand, he said, his party has also conducted education to the public regarding the correct air balloon flight rules.
"Hopefully the public will have the correct knowledge of the standard air balloon flight. So that there will be no more wild air balloon flight activities," said Rita.
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